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This page is intended to provide a toolkit for all personal tutors across St George's, to help support our students in their learning and wellbeing.

You can download a full list of sources of Support for all St George's students here - 24.25 Sources-of-Support and additional details for sources of support are also included below. 

Course-specific information is held under the pages listed below, as well as core training resources for all tutors or on the relevent canvas page.

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Personal Tutor Leads and Contact Details
Personal Tutor Co-ordinator for St George's Dr Suman Rice
Personal Tutor Lead for Biomedical Science (BSc/MSci) Dr Jose Saldana Fabregat
Personal Tutor Lead for Clinical Pharmacology (BSc) Dr Iulia Blesneac
Personal Tutor Lead for MBBS4 and MBBS5 Programmes

Dr Nicoletta Fossati


Personal Tutor Lead for Healthcare Science  Mrs Cynthia Simon
Personal Tutor Lead for Physicians Associate  Beck Hickman
Welfare Lead for Diagnostic Radiography Jennifer Skok
Welfare Lead for Occupational Therapy  Dr Jane Cronin-Davis
Personal Tutor Lead for Occupational Therapy Angela Miguez Barreiro
Welfare Lead for Parademic Science Katie Pavoni
Welfare Lead for Physiotherapy  Richard Kain
Personal Tutor Lead for Radiotherapy and Oncology Lauren Fantham
Welfare Lead for Graduate School Dr Linda Perkins-Porras
What is a Personal Tutor?

The personal tutor scheme at St George's aims to provide support and guidance to help students achieve their academic and professional potential. Personal tutors are one of several invaluable support mechanisms for students and take an active interest in the students’ course and university experience.

Personal tutors are expected to act as a point of referral for students wishing to access help from a number of sources including academic, financial, healthcare and disability support and guidance on coping with student life. 

Personal tutor image 1

Responsibilities of a Personal Tutor

Personal tutors are expected to:

  1. Meet with students at least once/academic term and keep records of these meetings; these records need to be kept in such a way that they can be accessible if a student needs additional support and be passed on to a new tutor if required.
  2. Establish appropriate methods of communication with students and respond to contact in a timely manner.
  3. Treat meetings with appropriate confidentiality, only sharing information with staff in confidence if they believe that the student is a threat to themselves or others or that the student needs additional support (see section on Confidentiality).
  4. Understand the limitations of their role, when it is appropriate to refer students to further support and how to seek advice for students with complex issues.
  5. Signpost support services to students, such as disability support, SGUL counselling services, financial advisory services, visa advisory services for international students and learning and study support.  This information is provided to personal tutors on an annual basis via training and available on the Personal Tutor webpage.
  6. Flag students of concern (those with significant issues, including non-attendance and difficult personal issues) to the appropriate Personal Tutor course leads and/or the Personal Tutor Coordinator, currently Suman Rice.
  7. Act as a tutee's advocate when writing letters of support to panels, for instance after examination failures.
  8. Provide references for students, including employment references (where appropriate).
  9. Remain current with SGUL support processes, including mitigating circumstances applications, changes to personnel and support structures (as updated annually), attending the bi-annual personal tutor update and feedback sessions and/or refresher training as required.
  10. Review students’ academic progression in meetings and provide advice on accessing support services where there is an attainment gap.
Common Pitfalls of the Personal Tutor Role
  • The most common issue is not using or being fully aware of the support available, please familiarise yourself with the sources of support for all St George's students 2023-24 (PDF).
  • Sometimes personal tutors make promises of confidentiality that prevent the tutor helping the student access appropriate specialist support. 
  • Over-involvement, particularly with students in crisis.  Some students may need additional time from personal tutors but if it becomes prolonged beyond a week or two, you should be thinking about referral to specialist support or liaising with the personal tutor leads. 
  • Wanting to be a personal friend as well as a personal tutor.  This is a conflict of interest and personal tutors are asked not to meet socially with any individual tutee. 
  • Discussing a student with family members without the student's express permission. 
  • Discussing a student with other tutees (although you may 'receive' information from concerned students and friends).    

Resources for Personal Tutors

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First meeting with tutee

Tutors are asked to meet informally for the first time with their Year 1 students as a group. Records do not have to be kept from this meeting, but you should offer individual meetings if needed. This meeting should occur as close to the start of term as possible.

Tutors should have their first formal meeting with their tutees as laid out by the specific courses; see common questions below.

  • The Tutor should introduce him/herself including their role in the school and contact details                 
  • This is an opportunity to learn about the student and his or her strengths, interests, supports, and any problems that relate to their time at SGUL.
    Common questions are:
    • What interested you about this course?
    • Why St George’s?
    • What do you make of it so far?
    • Is housing satisfactory? 
    • Any serious financial issues?  Do you have to have paid work during term time?
    • Are you in contact with your family? Are they happy with your career choice?
    • Is your health good? 
    • What other interests do you have?  Sports? Other hobbies or interests? Religious societies?
    • Anything else about you that I should know about?
  • Outline roles and responsibilities of the Personal Tutor and the expectations of the student (as above).
  • Check that they have been to the Induction week and know where important contact points are for students, including the Student Centre, Student Union, Library, Computer classrooms, Counselling service, Occupational Health.
  • Remind students they should be registered with a GP.
  • Remind students they can contact you for questions or difficulties.  Explain some of the rules that will make their time at SGUL easier:
    • Notify registry and teaching staff of absences as early as possible.
    • Keep appointments punctually.
    • Let the tutor and others know early on if there are personal or health problems     that may impinge on their work or that mean that they will miss teaching sessions.

Keeping records of meetings with tutees

Tutors are asked to keep a general note on the kinds of problems that arise, how they dealt with them and what happened as a result so that their tutees can benefit from their experience. This is also necessary to allow for appropriate exchange of information if the personal tutor is changed. These should be kept by the tutor and are not to be circulated. Please store your personal tutor notes in accordance with GDPR regulations i.e., to comply it is recommended that these notes are stored either on the SGUL cloud server or central drives.  Be aware that students can request any written/ electronic information that pertains to them under the data protection act.

Each course will differ in how personal tutor records are managed and personal tutors are asked to refer to their course-specific personal tutor guide for specific arrangements concerning submission/retention of personal tutor forms.

Personal tutor image 2

Confidential concerns

Personal matters discussed are confidential and will not usually be disclosed to other people. However, occasionally it is in the student’s interest to let the student welfare support team know that the student is experiencing problems, to collate information, or for the tutor to get advice from more experienced staff or from the counselling service.

In general, personal matters should not be revealed without the agreement of the student. However, advice can be sought from the Co-ordinator of the PTS, Dean for Student Welfare and/or PT leads in an anonymous manner without revealing the student’s identity. In exceptional circumstances the tutor may have to breach confidentiality to protect either the student or others

Prevent Training

Personal Tutors are required to complete online training to better understand their responsibilities under the Prevent duty.

Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, St George's is required to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. The online Prevent module in MyTraining will introduce the Prevent duty, support you to notice concerns that may make individuals vulnerable to radicalisation, show what a proportionate response looks like, and give you the confidence and ability to raise concerns when someone may be at risk.

Please contact the Prevent training lead Beth Okona-Mensah if you have any queries. 

Staff can access MyTraining (link below) either through the Learning tab within MyWorkplace or by visiting and entering their usual St George’s username and password. After logging in, staff will be presented with a list of available online mandatory training courses they will need to complete.

After a course has been completed in MyTraining,  automatic reminders will be sent to staff by email when the course is set to expire and should be re-taken. 


Personal tutors are often asked to write references for their tutees for a number of reasons including employment and applications to postgraduate courses.  Personal tutors should always seek advice from their administrative leads or personal tutor co-ordinator if they feel uncomfortable about providing references for particular students or are unsure as to the level of detail that is appropriate.

In writing references tutors should be mindful of the Data Protection Act (that students can access the references that are being provided) and the information contained in references should:

  • Be fair, accurate and clearly differentiate between statements of fact and opinion.
  • Provide factual information
  • Solely contain justifiable opinions, based on first-hand experience and evidence; personal tutors should not commit to statements that are based outside their knowledge of the student.
  • Avoid ambiguous or coded language.

If personal tutors are unable to provide a reference which meets the criteria above, then they should ask the student to seek an alternative referee.

Personal tutors do not have to provide landlord or accommodation-related references for students. Enquiries about this need to be directed to the Accommodation team.

Personal tutor image 3

Useful external websites

Togetherall is the anonymous 24 hour online wellbeing platform that SGUL pay for; the link below gives a short introduction to this.  Students can access courses and wellbeing chatrooms which are monitored by psychologists and counsellors; when students post questions, comments or ask for advice, they should get a prompt response. There are also some other wellbeing activities they can join if they are interested. 

Help/support agencies

Victim Support offer confidential emotional help, support and advice for people who have been affected by crime.South London Victim Assessment & Referral Service 0808 168 9291, then dial 3 SW London Care Team: 020 7801 1777 (lines Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)Out of hours Support line: 0808 168 9111

National Domestic Violence offer confidential support, help and information for someone who is (or knows of) experiencing domestic abuse.24 hour Helpline: 0808 200 0247

Women's Aid & Refuge can put women who need to escape from a violent situation in touch with emergency refuge accommodation. Information includes safety and what to do to help a friend/relative in danger of domestic violence.

Refuge supports women and children who experience all forms of violence and abuse, including domestic and sexual violence, forced marriage and so called ‘honour' based violence.Free 24 hour Helpline: 0808 200 0247

Wandsworth Women's Aid provide advice, support and information to women to enable them to start new lives and to make independent decisions about their future. E-mail: 020 8871 2664 / 020 8870 6850

Forced Marriage Unit is a joint Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Home Office unit which provides advice and support to victims of forced marriage.Tel: 020 7008 0151

Afghan Women's Support Forum: UK support forum for Afghan women.

British Afghan Women's Society: deal with domestic violence, issues with education, social change.

Karma Nirvana offer support to victims of honour-based abuse, disownment and forced marriage.UK Helpline: 0800 599 9247

Men's Advice Line offers practical advice and emotional support for men of all sexual orientations, experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner, ex-partner or other family members. Freephone: 0808 801 0327

Muslim Youth Helpline provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to the Muslim youth in the UK, putting young people at the frontline of service delivery.Helpline: 0808 808 2008 open every day 4-10pm.

Muslim Women's Network UK (MWNUK) is the only national Muslim women's organisation in Britain, who work to improve the social justice and equality for Muslim women and girls. 

Brook sexual health and wellbeing for under 25's offering advice and help on a range of topics.Ask Brook 24/7 tool can be used to ask any question from contraception to sexuality.

Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre, Rape Crisis South London offer specialised confidential support, information and referral details free of charge, to survivors of rape or child abuse, family, friends and partners of survivors. Daily National Helpline: 0808 802 9999 - Rape Crisis South London - Rape & Sexual Abuse Support CentreRape Crisis South London (

Rape Crisis offer free confidential counselling, emotional and practical helpline support to women/girls and men/boys, who have been raped or experienced any other form of sexual abuse.

The Havens are specialist centres in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last 12 months. Information on the website is provided in a multitude of languages.24 hours helpline: 020 3299 6900

SurvivorsUK help sexually abused men as well as their family & friends, no matter when the abuse happened.Tel: 020 3598 3898

National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) support adults who have suffered any type of abuse in childhood.Tel: 0808 801 0331

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) gives advice to anyone who is worried about a child.

Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm and suicide prevention including support information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and those at risk of suicide .

Self-Injury Support is a website for young people offering a wide range of advice, support and information on self-harm and recovery. They also provide a confidential Q&A service.

FRANK Friendly, Confidential Drugs Advice provide detailed information about a wide range of drugs, including chances of addiction, their effects on the body and legal status. They give lists of services in your area, and provide information on what you can do if you are worried about someone you know. SMS: 82111Tel: 0300 123 6600

Release provide information, advocacy and advice on drugs, a counselling service, human rights and the law.Helpline: 020 7324 2989

Families Anonymous is a twelve step program for relatives and friends of addicts, offering support to family members and friends affected by another's abuse of mind altering substances, or related behavioural problems behavioural.

The National Association for children of Alcoholics (Nacoa) provide information, advice and confidential support for everyone affected by a parent's drinking and the knock-on effects of growing up with parental alcoholism. Shared experiences of caring or working with someone affected by their parent's drinking and a message board, support this website.Helpline: 0800 358 3456

The Mix is a website that offers essential support for under 25's offering discussion Boards and real life stories. Topics covered are Sex & Relationships, Your Body, Mental Health, Drink & Drugs, Housing, Money, Work & Study, Crime & Safety and Travel & Lifestyle.Tel: 0808 808 4994

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. 

Beat The UK's Eating Disorder Charity offer support from on-line helpline advisers.Helpline: 0808 801 0677Studentline: 0808 801 0811

ABC (Anorexia & Bulimia Care) provide ongoing care, emotional support and practical guidance for anyone affected by eating disorders.

Orri Raises awareness of eating disorders in men; peer support services for affected men.

Mind information and support for people living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is. Access to the right information about a condition, treatment options or practical issues. Real life stories and blogs support this website.

The Students Against Depression provide you with a calm environment and the resources to help you find a way forward including Self-Help Workbooks.

Depression UK promote mutual support between individuals affected by, or at risk from, depression, with the aim of encouraging self –help, recovery and personal growth. 

Anxiety UK offer confidential advice and support for those with anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression. They also help deal with specific phobias.

Papyrus provide confidential help and advice to young people up to the age of 35 who may be feeling suicidal, or anyone concerned about a young person. The website offers information on self-help and self-care.Hopeline: 0800 068 4141 Papyrus Hopelink Safety Plan: Help & Advice Resources Disclosure of suicidal thoughts Help is at hand guide from Support After Suicide

Help for Suicidal Thoughts Help and support is available if you're feeling like you want to die; you don't have to struggle with difficult feelings alone. 

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) works to prevent male suicide in the UK. Dedicated support line and online webchat for men in emotional distress or crisis.London: 080 880 258 58Nationwide: 0800 58 5858

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide support those affected by suicide through their provision of support groups around the country.Helpline: 0300 111 5065Email support:

Bereavement Advice Centre advice and support people on what they need to do after a death. Their website and helpline provide help with the wide range of practical issues that need to be managed after a bereavement, as well as signposting to other support.Freephone: 0800 634 9494

Switchboard LGBT & Helpline a place for calm words when you need them most. They offer confidential non-judgemental advice and understanding to lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people, and anyone considering issues around their sexuality and/or gender identity.Tel: 0300 330 0630, 10am–10pm every day

Galop the LGBT+ anti-violence charity provides confidential and independent advice and support for LGBT+ people who have experienced sexual assault, abuse or violence. They can help if you have experienced homophobia, transphobia or biphobia.London Advice line: 020 7704 2040

Chinese Information and Advice Centre (ciac) offers free information, advice and support to Chinese people living in the UK.

Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide. Whatever you're going through, whether it's big or small, don't bottle it up. We are here for you if you're worried about something, feel upset or confused, or just want to talk to someone. Email: Freephone: 006 123 Inner SW London: 020 7734 2800

Wandsworth Citizens Advice Bureaux, Adviceline 0300 330 1169

SW London Law Centre provides specialist legal advice and representation to people who could not otherwise afford access to justice.Tel: 020 8767 2777

24/7 Mental Health Support Line for SWLST on 0800 028 8000

Search engine for MH helplines across the UK

Give Us A Shout: Text SHOUT to 85258, a free texting service on all major mobile networks for anyone in crisis. 

BMA: free service for all doctors/medical students, partners and dependants; membership not required.

Sudden has a bereavement helpline you can call on 0800 2600 400 if someone you know has died. Open daily from 8am to 8pm. 

National Autistic Society (NAS)offers a range of services for autistic individuals and their families, including services for adults.  They also have a section dedicated to university/being a student

Academic support 

Student support


Counselling and Mental Health support

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Counselling Service

The Counselling Service is available for students and staff. Encouraging students to register with the message that seeking appropriate help is considered a wise and mature step, can help them access the service more easily.  The Counselling Service is also available to staff who have concerns about a student they want to talk over. You can find further information on the Counselling Service webpages

Listen: Counselling: Dr Suman Rice talks with Julia Hutchinson, Head of Counselling. 

Internal resources


Below are a list of useful training resources:

Course specific information

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BSc Biomedical Science
Biomedical Science BSc useful contacts for academic matters
BSc in Biomedical Science useful contacts for academic matters
 BSc and MSci Course Director  Dr Paris Ataliotis
 Academic Year Lead Year 1  Dr Ferran Valderrama
 Academic Year Lead Year 2  Dr Alexis Bailey
 Academic Year Lead Year 3  Dr Veronica Carroll
 Academic Year Lead Year 3 MSci  Dr Jose Saldana
 Academic Year Lead Year 4 MSci  Dr Catherine Roberts
 Examiner Year 1 and 2  Dr Daniel Berwick
 Examiner Year 3 and Course Chief Examiner  Dr Andrew Walley
 Personal Tutor Lead  Dr Jose Saldana
 Science Programme Officer Year 1 and 2  Fatima Gangat
 Science Programme Officer Year 3 and MSci  Tom Slevin


Medicine MBBS
Clinical Managers, Year Leads & Year Coordinators
MBBS Personal Tutor Lead Dr Nicoletta Fossati
MBBS Year 1 Lead Hanin Alkhafajy

MBBS5 Early Years Programme Co-ordinator 

MBBS5 Year 1

Morven Creagh

 Clinical Sciences Manager   Paula Cunningham
 MBBS5 Year 2 Lead  Dr Vasantha Muthuppalaniappan
MBBS5 Year 2 Co-ordinator Rahat Afzal

MBBS4 Year 1 Lead David Gillott

 MBBS4 Year 1 Co-ordinator   Nitesh Desai

 Clinical Medicine Manager   Jan Cook
T Year Lead Dr Rosa Montero

 T Year Co-ordinator  Abidemi Fagbemi

P Year Lead  Dr Nick Annear

 P Year Co-ordinator  Christopher Shaw

 F Year Lead Mr Ben Ayres
 F Year Co-ordinator  Eroulla Cadd

Guidance for MBBS Assessments
Year Assessments, Examinations Briefing

Assessment related documents will be published, during the spring term.

Training and Update
MBBS Year Timetables
MBBS Curriculum Brochure 24.25

MBBS Curriculum brochure 2024-25

Reporting Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment in Teaching Settings (Including Clinical Placements): Addressing Perceived Barriers and Challenges

Reporting Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment in Teaching Settings (Including Clinical Placements) - Addressing Perceived Barriers and Challenges (Word)

This information can also be accessed via Canvas here

Foundation Programme References for Final Year Students

Foundation Programme References for Final Year students (Word)

 Academic Support for MBBS students retaking or returning from IOS

Please see below an infographic summarising options for those in T, P and F years who are retaking the year, or returning after an interruption of study (iOS).  In addition, some resources are open to any MBBS T/P/F year student, such as the Support for Learning on Clinical Placement.

Academic Support for MBBS students retaking or returning to IOS (PDF)


Medicine MBBS frequently asked questions




How do I look up students' details (photos, contact emails)?

To request access to Sonic, your line manager should go to this page to submit the request:

What records should I keep of my meetings with students?

Tutors are asked to keep a general note on the kinds of problems that arise, how they dealt with them and what happened as a result so that the system can benefit from experience. This is also necessary to allow for appropriate exchange of information, if the personal tutor is changed. Be aware that students can request any written/electronic information that pertains to them under the data protection act.

On the MBBS course, there are a number of compulsory meetings across the years and there are forms provided for these meetings. Details and the forms can be found on this page. The personal tutor administrator (Lee Rolls) will remind students and tutors of the meeting at appropriate times in the year, if you have any queries, you are asked to contact her for more information.

Where do I find out examination information for MBBS students?

Examination results will be sent by the Exams Team.




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