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For course-specific requirements for 2024 entry we advise you to visit the entry requirements section of the course page for your course of interest. Please note there will be no changes to MBBS entry requirements for any country listed below for 2024.

At St George’s we accept a wide variety of international qualifications. 

Find out more information about our entry requirements for international qualifications by selecting a country from the A-Z list below.  

International applicants should review general entry requirements, including specific subject requirements on our course pages in conjunction with the requirements outlined on this page. 

If your country or qualification is not listed below: You still are welcome to apply. You may also email if you advice on whether your qualification will be accepted.  

If you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree on the basis of an previous degree: For graduates applying to undergraduate courses, you will be subject to UK ENIC confirming that your degree is equivalent to a UK degree, and meeting our English Language requirements. Required degree classifications and subject areas can be viewed on our course pages. Please view our Honours Equivalency policy here 

Do I need to complete GCSEs? Please note that Level 2 (GCSE-level) requirements are only needed if you had an opportunity to study GCSEs or iGCSEs. If you did not study GCSEs or iGCSEs in your country, we will need you to evidence that you have met our Maths and English Language requirements in another way. Maths should be included in your Level 3 qualifications (below). 

English Language Requirements: Please view the qualifications we accept to meet our English Language requirements

Jump to a specific country:
List of countries with international qualifications for undergraduate study. Click on a country to be taken to that countries requirements.
 Afghanistan  Ireland  Qatar
 Albania  India  Romania
 Australia  Italy  Saudi Arabia
 Bahrain  Japan  Serbia
 Bangladesh  Kenya  Singapore
 Brazil  Kuwait  South Africa
 Brunei  Malaysia  South Korea
 Bulgaria  Morocco  Spain
 Canada  Netherlands  Sweden
 China  New Zealand  Switzerland
 Cyprus  Nigeria  Taiwan
 Egypt  Norway  Tanzania
 France  Oman  Ukraine
 Germany  Pakistan  United Arab Emirates
 Greece  Palestine  United States of America
 Hong Kong  Poland  Zambia
 Iran  Portugal  Zimbabwe
 Iraq  Philippines  


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Afghanistan High School Diploma / Baccalauria for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Albanian Diplome e Matures Shteteroe (Diploma of State Matura) for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Senior Secondary Certificate of Education from the relevant stare/territory (see below*) PLUS either Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or Overall Position (OP)

Please see grade equivalencies here: 

A-Level requirement:

Senior Secondary Certificate of Education


Senior Secondary Certificate of Education plus an ATAR score of 96 or OP band of 2


Senior Secondary Certificate of Education plus an ATAR score of 92 or OP band of 4/5


Senior Secondary Certificate of Education plus an ATAR score of 90 or OP band of 6


Senior Secondary Certificate of Education plus an ATAR score of 88 or OP band of 7

* Senior Secondary Certificate of Education from the relevant stare/territory: Australian Capital Territory Senior Secondary Certificate / Higher School Certificate (New South Wales) / Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training / Queensland Certificate of Education / South Australian Certificate of Education / Tasmanian Certificate of Education / Victorian Certificate of Education /Western Australia Certificate of Education

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Senior Secondary Certificate of Education requirement

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Senior Secondary Certificate of Education plus an ATAR score of 96 or OP band of 2. Must have studied Biology and Chemistry in Year 12 with top grades.



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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Bahrain General Secondary Education Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes. 

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Certificado de Ensino Médio for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • 1 year of study at a Brazilian University in a relevant subject (Not accepted for entry to MBBS)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

1 year of study at a Brazilian  University in a relevant subject




Average GPA of 7.5


Average GPA of 7.0


Average GPA of 6.5

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below.

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

1 year of study at a Brazilian University


Must be in relevant subject and include subjects specified on the course pages  


For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

Certificado de Ensino Médio / 1 year of study at a Brazilian University are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 



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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for direct entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Brunei Cambridge A-Level

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Brunei Cambridge A-Level


AAA (See MBBS section below)


ABB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBC (Including subjects specified on course pages)

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below: 

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Brunei Cambridge A-Level





 For course specific requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Brunei Cambridge A-Level for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Brunei Cambridge A-Level requirement

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)



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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for direct entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Diploma za Sredno Obravozanie (Diploma of Secondary Education)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Diploma za Sredno Obravozanie (Diploma of Secondary Education) requirement




5.4 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


5.2 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


5.0 (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Diploma za Sredno Obravozanie (Diploma of Secondary Education) 


5.5 (in grade 12 subject)


5.0 (in grade 12 subject)

 For course specific requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

Diploma za Sredno Obravozanie (Diploma of Secondary Education) is not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Canadian High School Diploma with the below requirements per province/territory

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Alberta High School Diploma; Nunavut Secondary School Graduation Diploma; or Saskatchewan Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement


At least 87% in five grade 12/30 level courses including Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% in five grade 12/30 level courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% in five grade 12/30 level courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% in five grade 12/30 level courses with subjects specified on course pages


A-Level requirement:

British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (also known as Dogwood Diploma); Yukon Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma


At least 87% or AAAAB in five grade 12 courses including Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% or AABBB in five grade 12 courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% or ABBBB in five grade 12 courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% or BBBCC in five grade 12 courses including one science


A-Level requirement:

Manitoba High School Diploma; or Newfoundland and Labrador High School Graduation Diploma


At least 87% in 5 grade 12/300 level credits including biology and chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% in 5 grade 12/300 level with subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% in 5 grade 12/300 level with subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% in 5 grade 12/300 level credits including one science


A-Level requirement:

New Brunswick High School Diploma; Northwest Territories High School Diploma; or Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma


At least 87% in 5 grade 12 courses including Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% in 5 grade 12 courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% in 5 grade 12 courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% in 5 grade 12 courses including one science


A-Level requirement:

Ontario Secondary School Diploma


At least 87% in five grade 12 U / M courses including Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% in five grade 12 U / M courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% in five grade 12 U / M courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% in five grade 12 U / M courses including one science


A-Level requirement:

Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Diploma


At least 87% in five grade 12/level 6 courses including Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% in five grade 12/level 6 courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% in five grade 12/level 6 courses with subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% in five grade 12/level 6 courses including one science


A-Level requirement:

Quebec - Diplôme d'Études Collégiales (DEC)


At least 87% in five grade 12/level 6 courses including Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS section below)


At least 80% overall with 80% in subjects specified on course pages


At least 77% overall with 77% in subjects specified on course pages


At least 75% overall with 75% in subjects specified on course pages

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Canadian High School Diploma for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Canadian High School Diploma

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

At least 87% or AAAAB in five grade 12 courses including Biology and Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Senior High School Certificate (Huikao), PLUS National College Entrance Examination (NCEE/Gaokao);
  • a Chinese 2- or 3-year Junior College Diploma/Sub-degree programme (Zhuanke/Dazhuan).        

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Senior High School Certificate (Huikao), PLUS National College Entrance Examination (NCEE/Gaokao)

Chinese 2- or 3-year Junior College Diploma/Sub-degree programme (Zhuanke/Dazhuan)     





85% overall with 85% in at least one subject

85% overall with 85% in at least one subject


80% overall with subjects specified on course pages

80% overall with subjects specified on course pages


75% overall with subjects specified on course pages

75% overall with subjects specified on course pages

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalency below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Senior High School Certificate (Huikao), PLUS National College Entrance Examination (NCEE/Gaokao)

Chinese 2- or 3-year Junior College Diploma/Sub-degree programme (Zhuanke/Dazhuan)     










For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

Senior High School Certificate (Huikao), PLUS National College Entrance Examination (NCEE/Gaokao), and Chinese 2- or 3-year Junior College Diploma/Sub-degree programme (Zhuanke/Dazhuan) are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Apolytirion of Lykeion (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Apolytirion of Lykeion


19 overall with 2 A-Levels* at AA (See MBBS section below)


18 overall with 2 Pancyprian exams* at 17 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


17 overall with 2 Pancyprian exams* at 16 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


17 overall with 2 Pancyprian exams* at 16 (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalency below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Pancyprian Exam*





*Please note: a Pancyprian exam can be substituted by an A-level, AP, IB HL etc

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Apolytirion of Lykeion supplemented by 2 A-levels (or equivalent) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Apolytirion of Lykeion (& A-level)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

19 overall with 2 A Levels* at AA in Biology and Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Egyptian Certificate of General Secondary Education for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général


14 overall (with 14 in relevant subjects taken in year 12/13)



13 overall (with 12.5 in relevant subjects taken in year 12/13)


12.5 (with 12.5 in relevant subjects taken in year 12/13)



12 overall (with 11 in relevant subjects taken in year 12/13)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

14 overall including Biology / Earth Sciences and Physics & Chemistry with 14/15 (taken in Year 12 and 13)



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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)


1.4 overall (with 13/15 in required subjects)



1.8 overall (with 12/15 in relevant subjects)


2.0 overall (12/15 in relevant subjects)


2.2 overall (11/15 in relevant subjects)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

1.4 overall including LK Biology and Chemistry with 13/15.



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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for direct entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Apolytirio Lykeiou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Apolytirio Lykeiou


19 overall with 2 A-Levels at AA (see MBBS section below)


18 overall with 2 Panhellenic exams at 17


17 overall with 2 Panhellenic exams at 16



17 overall with 2 Panhellenic exams at 16

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Panhellenic Exam*





*Please note: a Panhellenic exam can be substituted by an A-level, AP, IB HL etc

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Apolytirio Lykeiou supplemented by 2 A-levels (or equivalent) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement

Apolytirion of Lykeion (& A-level)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

19 overall with 2 A Levels at AA in Biology & Chemistry


Hong Kong

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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for direct entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Applicants for courses other than MBBS can meet the below requirements through either:

  • 2 x Electives and 1 x Mandatory class (accepted mandatory subjects: English or Core Maths; not Chinese or Liberal Studies); or
  • 3 x Electives

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement



See MBBS section below


544 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


444 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


443 (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 








For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:


AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

4 in Core Maths, 5 in English and three electives at 555 including Biology & Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Iran High School Diploma for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe)


Overall score of 18/20 (with at least 18/20 in relevant subjects – See MBBS section below)


Overall score of 17/20 (with at least 17/20 in relevant subjects)


Overall score of 16/20 (with at least 16/20 in relevant subjects)


Overall score of 15/20 (with at least 15/20 in relevant subjects)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Pre-University Certificate (Peeshdaneshgahe)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Overall score of 18/20 (with at least 18/20 in Biology & Chemistry)


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Iraqi Secondary School Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Irish Leaving Certificate (6 grades for Medicine, 5 grades for all other courses)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Irish Leaving Certificate


H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 (see MBBS section below)


H2 H2 H2 H3 H3


H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 


H2 H3 H3 H3 H3


H3 H3 H4 H4 H4 


H3 H4 H4 H4 H4

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Irish Leaving Certificate







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Irish Leaving Certificate for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement

Irish Leaving Certificate

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2, including H1 in Biology and Chemistry 



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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes.

  • Higher Secondary Certificate/Standard XII (any board, state or central)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Higher Secondary Certificate/Standard XII (any board, state or central)


90% (See MBBS section below)


75% (Including subjects specified on course pages)


72% (Including subjects specified on course pages)


70% (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Standard XII equivalent





For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Higher Secondary Certificate/Standard XII (any board, state or central) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Higher Secondary Certificate/Standard XII (any board, state or central) requirement

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

90% Overall including 90% in Biology and Chemistry



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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Diploma di Esame di Stato

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Diploma di Esame di Stato


Overall score of 90 (see MBBS section below)



Overall score of 85 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


Overall score of 80 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


Overall score of 75 (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Diploma di Esame di Stato







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Diploma di Esame di Stato for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Diploma di Esame di Stato

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Overall score of 90 including 9/10 in Biology and Chemistry (taken during the final 3 years of Liceo (upper secondary school))


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Kuwait General secondary Education Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for direct entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) (Malaysia Higher School Certificate) with standard A level grade requirements;
  • Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate);
  • UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) Senior Middle Level with grades of B3 and above.

Please see grade equivalencies here:

STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) (Malaysia Higher School Certificate)

A-Level requirement:



AAA (See MBBS Section below)


ABB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBC (Including subjects specified on course pages)


A-Level requirement:

Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate)


Bio-based stream - with an overall GPA of 3.75 out of 4.0, including 3.67 in Biology and Chemistry (See MBBS Section below)


Bio-based stream - with an overall GPA of 3.25 out of 4.0, with 3.25 in subjects specified on course pages


Bio-based stream - with an overall GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0, with 3.0 in subjects specified on course pages


Bio-based stream - with an overall GPA of 2.75 out of 4.0, with 3.0 in subjects specified on course pages


A-Level requirement:

UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) Senior Middle Level




Grades of A2 in three subjects and all remaining subjects at B3 with subjects specified on course pages


With grades of B3 in all subjects including subjects specified on the course pages


With grades of B3 in all subjects including subjects specified on the course pages

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 






See above and below

See above and below





For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) (Malaysia Higher School Certificate) and Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:



AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Bio-based stream - with an overall GPA of 3.75 out of 4.0, including 3.67 in Biology and Chemistry

 UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) Senior Middle Level is not accepted for entry to Medicine MBBS.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Moroccan Attestation du Baccalauréat for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)


7.8 overall (see MBBS section below)


7.0 overall including 7/10 in subjects specified on the course pages


6.8 overall including 7/10 in subjects specified on the course pages


6.4 overall including 6/10 in subjects specified on the course pages

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

7.8 overall including 8/10 in Biology and Chemistry

New Zealand

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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for direct entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3, with a total of more than 80 credits is required, of which at least 60 at Level 3

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3


See MBBS section below



Endorsed overall with Excellence, including 20 Level 3 credits in each subject specified on the course pages, with Merit (M) or higher in the majority of credits


Endorsed overall with Merit, including 20 Level 3 credits in each subject specified on the course pages, with Merit (M) or higher in the majority of credits


Endorsed overall with Merit, including 20 Level 3 credits in each subject specified on the course pages, with Merit (M) or higher in at least a third of credits

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Endorsed overall with Excellence, including 20 Level 3 credits each in Biology and Chemistry, with Excellent (E) in the majority of credits


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the West African Senior School Certificate (WASSC/WAEC) / Senior School Certificate (NECO) for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • One year of study at a Nigerian university in a relevant subject;
  • National Diploma/Higher National Diploma.

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

One year of study at a Nigerian university in a relevant subject

National Diploma/Higher National Diploma with Lower Credit


N/A (see MBBS section below)

N/A (see MBBS section below)


ave. GPA of at least 3.2/4.0 or 4.0/5.0 with subjects specified on course pages

Distinction with subjects specified on the course pages


ave. GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.75/5.0 with subjects specified on course pages

Upper Credit with subjects specified on the course pages


ave. GPA of at least 2.8/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 with subjects specified on course pages

Lower Credit with subjects specified on the course pages

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

One year of study at a Nigerian university in a relevant subject or National Diploma/Higher National Diploma are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Vitnemal

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement



4.5 overall (see MBBS section below)



4.2 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)


4.0 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)



3.7 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 








For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Vitnemal for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:


AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Vitnemal overall 4.5, with grade 5 in Biology & Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Oman General Education Diploma for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept Pakistan Intermediate / Higher Secondary Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our programmes. 

You can progress to Year 1 of St George’s via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Bachelor of Science/Arts/Commerce (Pass/ Honours) – 2-3 year degree

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Bachelor of Science/Arts/Commerce (Pass/ Honours) – 2-3 year degree; in a relevant subject.



N/A (see MBBS section below)


First Class degree/at least 75%/a GPA of 3.3/4.0


a First Class degree/at least 70%/a GPA of 3.0/4.0


a First Class degree/at least 65%/a GPA of 2.66/4.0

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

Bachelor of Science/Arts/Commerce (Pass/ Honours) – 2-3 year degree, is not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Palestine General Secondary Education Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Polish Matura

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Polish Matura


85% in 3 extended levels including Biology and Chemistry (see MBBS section below)


75% in 3 extended levels including any subjects specified on course pages


70% in 3 extended levels including any subjects specified on course pages


65% in 3 extended levels including any subjects specified on course pages

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Polish Matura for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Polish Matura

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

85% in 3 extended levels including Biology and Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação


18 overall including 18/20 in Biology & Geology and Physics & Chemistry (see MBBS section below)


17 overall including any subjects specified on the course pages


16 overall including any subjects specified on the course pages


16 overall including any subjects specified on the course pages

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

18 overall including 18/20 in Biology & Geology and Physics & Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Philippines Senior High School Diploma for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Qatar Senior School Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Diplomă de Bacalaureat

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Diplomă de Bacalaureat.


See MBBS section below


8.5 overall including any subjects specified on course pages


8.0 overall including any subjects specified on course pages


7.5 overall including any subjects specified on course pages


7.0 overall including any subjects specified on course pages

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Diplomă de Bacalaureat grade 12 class







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Diplomă de Bacalaureat for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Diplomă de Bacalaureat

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

9.0 overall supplemented by Biology and Chemistry via through one of the following:

- A-level Biology & Chemistry at AA

- Diploma de Bacalaureat exam in Biology and Chemisty at 9.0 in named exam(s)

- IB HL Biology & Chemistry at 6,6

- AP Biology & Chemisty at 5,5

A combination of 2 of the above-named exams may be accepted (e.g. A level Biology Grade A & Diploma de Bacalaureat exam Chemisty at 9.0)

Saudia Arabia

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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Thanawiya (General Secondary Education Certificate) for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • One year of study at a Saudi university in a relevant subject;
  • An Associate Degree/Intermediate University Degree in Health Sciences/2 year Diploma from a Health College

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

One year of study at a Saudi university in a relevant subject

An Associate Degree/Intermediate University Degree in Health Sciences/2 year Diploma from a Health College


N/A (see MBBS section below)

N/A (see MBBS section below)


ave. GPA of at least 4.0/5.0 or 3.2/4.0 with subjects specified on course pages

Final GPA of at least 4.0/5.0 or 3.2/4.0 in a relevant subject


ave. GPA of at least 3.75/5.0 or 3.0/4.0 with subjects specified on course pages

Final GPA of at least 3.75/5.0 or 3.0/4.0 in a relevant subject


ave. GPA of at least 3.5/5.0 or 2.8/4.0 with subjects specified on course pages

Final GPA of at least 3.5/5.0 or 2.8/4.0 in a relevant subject

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies above and below.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

Medicine MBBS

One year of study at a Saudi Arabian university in a relevant subject or National Diploma/Higher National Diploma are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Diploma o položenom završnom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Final Examination)
  • - Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)
  • - Diploma o stečenom srednjem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Serbian Diploma


5.0/5.0 (See MBBS section below)


4.5/5.0 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


4.0/5.0 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


4.0/5.0 (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Serbian Diploma





For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Diploma o položenom završnom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Final Examination), Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Secondary School Leaving Diploma), Diploma o stečenom srednjem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Serbian Diploma

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

5.0/5.0 (including 5.0 in Biology and Chemistry)



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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Singapore Cambridge A-Level (including SIPCAL/ Integrated Programme)
  • Singapore Polytechnic Diploma (not accepted for MBBS)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Singapore Cambridge A-Level

Singapore Polytechnic Diploma



3.5 / 4.0



2.9 / 4.0



2.8 / 4.0



2.7 / 4.0

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Singapore Cambridge A-Level

Singapore Polytechnic Diploma



Diploma must be in relevant subject and include subjects specified on the course pages  



For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Singapore Cambridge A-Level (including SIPCAL/ Integrated Programme) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Singapore Cambridge A-Level requirement

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

South Africa

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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

National Senior Certificate (NSC) - best 5 subjects (excluding Life Orientation)


77766 (See MBBS section below)


76666 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


66666 (Including subjects specified on course pages)


66655 (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

National Senior Certificate (NSC)





*Please note: For NSC, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences are the respective equivalents to A-level Biology, and Chemistry.

For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the National Senior Certificate (NSC) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

National Senior Certificate (NSC)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

77766 (Including Life Sciences and Physical Sciences at grade 7)


South Korea

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Entry requirements

We do not accept the High School Diploma for entry to Year 1 of our programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We accept the following qualifications for direct entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Associate Degree / Junior College Diploma
  • 1 year of study at a South Korean University

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Associate Degree / Junior College Diploma / 1 year of study at a South Korean University




3.5/4.5, 3.4/4.3 or 3.2/4.0


3.3/4.5, 3.2/4.3 or 3.0/4.0


3.1/4.5, 3.0/4.3 or 2.8/4.0

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Associate Degree / Junior College Diploma / 1 year of study at a South Korean University


Must be in relevant subject and include subjects specified on the course pages  


 For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

South Korean High School Diploma/ Associate Degree / Junior College Diploma/ 1 year of study at a South Korean University are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato


8.5 overall (See MBBS section below)


7.8 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)


7.5 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)


7.3 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato







 For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

8.5 overall including Biology and Chemistry with 9/10 (studied in Year 2)



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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen


Total 2500 credits completed, and 18 overall (see MBBS section below)


Total 2500 credits completed, and 17 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)


Total 2500 credits completed, and 16.5 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)


Total 2500 credits completed, and 16 overall (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/Högskoleförberedande examen

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

Total 2500 credits completed, and 18 overall with A in Biology & Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes:

  • Certificat de Maturité / Certificat de Maturité Cantonal reconnu par la Confédération (French speaking)
  • Maturitätsausweis / Eidgenössisch anerkanntes kantonales Maturitätszeugnis (German speaking)
  • Attestato di Maturità / Attestato di Maturità Cantonale riconosciuto dalla Confederazione (Italian speaking)

Please note: The Certificate must be federally recognised; certificates only recognised by the canton are not considered to be of the same standard.

Please see grade equivalencies here:

UK A-level requirement

Swiss Matura


5.0 overall including 5 in Biology and Chemistry (see MBBS section below)


4.5 overall including any subjects specified on the course pages


4.3 overall including any subjects specified on the course pages


4.0 overall including any subjects specified on the course pages

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Swiss Matura







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Swiss Matura exams for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Swiss Matura

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

5.0 overall including 5 in Biology and Chemistry


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Taiwan Senior High School Diploma for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for entry to our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Tanzanian Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

Tanzanian ACSE


AAA (See MBBS section below)


ABB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBC (Including subjects specified on course pages)

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

Tanzanian ACSE







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We accept the Tanzanian Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

Tanzanian ACSE

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)



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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Ukrainian Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Atestat) for entry to Year 1 of our programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of St George’s via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We will accept the following qualifications for entry to Year 1 to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • At least 1 year of study at a Ukrainian University in a relevant subject (Not accepted for entry to MBBS)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

At least 1 year of study at a Ukrainian University




Minimum average GPA of 4.0/5.0, 75%, or 9/12 for entry to year one



 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

1 year of study at a Ukrainian University


Must be in relevant subject and include subjects specified on the course pages  


For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

Ukrainian Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Atestat) / at least 1 year of study at a Ukrainian University are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 

United Arab Emirates

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Entry requirements

We do not accept the UAE General School Certificate for entry to Year 1 of our undergraduate programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.

We will accept the following qualifications for direct entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

1 year of study at a UAE University




An average GPA of at least 3.2/4.0


An average GPA of at least 3.0/4.0


An average GPA of at least 3.0/4.0

 Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below.

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

1 year of study at a UAE University


Must be in relevant subject and include subjects specified on the course pages  


For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS
UAE General School Certificate / 1 year of study at a UAE University are not accepted for direct entry to Medicine MBBS. 

United States of America

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Entry requirements

We accept the following qualifications for direct entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • US High School Graduation Diploma and 3 AP exams (or equivalent – see below)
  • US Associate’s Degree, or one year at a US University/Community College (See below; not accepted for MBBS)

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:

US High School Graduation Diploma


See MBBS Section below


High School Graduation Diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.0, and:

A combination of 3 AP examinations in different subjects with scores of 5,4,4, including subjects specified on the course pages.

(We may also accept alternatives to AP's. Please see Alternatives to Advanced Placement Exams section below.)


High School Graduation Diploma with a minimum GPA of 2.5, and:

A combination of 3 AP examinations in different subjects with scores of 4,4,4, including subjects specified on the course pages.

(We may also accept alternatives to AP's. Please see Alternatives to Advanced Placement Exams section below.)


High School Graduation Diploma with a minimum GPA of 2.5, and:

A combination of 3 AP examinations in different subjects with scores of 4,4,3, including subjects specified on the course pages.

(We may also accept alternatives to AP's. Please see Alternatives to Advanced Placement Exams section below.)

 Associate’s Degrees and other US Post-school education

We may consider applicants having completed US Associate’s Degree, or one year at a US University/Community College for entry to year one of our undergraduate programmes. (Please note: This does not include Medicine MBBS).

To be considered for entry, applicants must have attained sufficient credits in subjects that meet the course entry criteria, and with minimum overall GPA 3.0/4.0, and meet subject requirements (see below.)

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below.

UK subject requirement (A-level) 

AP Exam







For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Alternatives to Advanced Placement Exams

Where applicants are unable to take AP exams, we will also consider the following in place of AP exams:

  • Honours class/ College level class/Dual level classes
  • IB HL Class
  • SAT Subject Tests (now discontinued but we can still accept these if taken up until 2021)
  • ACT or SAT 1 composite score (Note: these cannot be used to replace a subject requirement).

Please note this is does not include Medicine MBBS – for this we still require Aps, IB HL classes (or SAT Subject tests, if taken prior to 2021).

Please see grade equivalencies for alternatives to AP scores below:

Grade equivalencies for alternatives to AP scores

A level








Honours class/College level class/Dual level classes




IB HL Class



SAT subject scores




SAT 1 composite score (cannot be used to replace subject requirement)

 1350 (minimum Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 700, minimum Math Section: 650)

1290 (minimum Evidence-Based Reading: 620, minimum Math Section: 650) 

 1250 (minimum Evidence-Based Reading: 620, minimum Math Section: 620)

ACT (cannot be use to replace a subject requirements)





E.g. The requirement of BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science is A-Level BBC including Biology and Chemistry at grade B
This could be met by:

  • High School Graduation Diploma with minimum GPA of 2.5 Plus 3 APs: Biology 4, Chemistry 4, Calculus 3


  • High School Graduation Diploma with minimum of 3.0 Plus a 1 AP (Biology 4), Honours class (Chemistry B+), ACT 26.
Medicine MBBS

We will accept the US High School Graduation Diploma plus AP or equivalent for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:

US High School Graduation Diploma plus AP or equivalent

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

High School Graduation Diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.0, and:

A combination of 3 AP examinations in different subjects with scores of 5,5,5, including Biology and Chemistry.

(We will accept a combination of 3 SAT Subject examinations in different subjects at scores of 700 plus, including Biology and Chemistry, if taken prior to 2021, or 3 IB HL classes at 6,6,6 including Biology and Chemistry)

 A US Associate’s Degree, or one year at a US University/Community College, is not accepted for entry to Medicine MBBS.


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Entry requirements

We do not accept the Zambian General Certificate of Education for entry to Year 1 of our programmes.

You can progress to Year 1 of a number of St George’s undergraduate programmes via one of our approved international foundation providers. Please list of foundation providers below.


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Entry requirements

We will accept the following qualifications for direct entry to all our Bachelor programmes (unless otherwise stated):

  • Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) GCE A Level

Please see grade equivalencies here:

A-Level requirement:



AAA (See MBBS section below)


ABB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBB (Including subjects specified on course pages)


BBC (Including subjects specified on course pages)

Subject Requirements

Many of our degree programmes have specific subject requirements at A-Level. Please see grade equivalencies below:

UK subject requirement (A-level) 






For course specific subject requirements, please visit the course pages here.

Medicine MBBS

We will accept the Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) GCE A Level for entry to Medicine MBBS, at the following grades:

UK A-level requirement:


AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)

AAA (including Biology and Chemistry)


International Students in the UK – Foundation Programmes 

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General Entry Requirements

St George’s works with a number of UK foundation providers to offer an alternative pathway to a number of our undergraduate programmes.  

Entry criteria has been mapped closely to align with our A-level entry criteria.

Applicants who meet our entry criteria are eligible to apply for the following programmes:

  • BSc Biomedical Science
  • MSci Biomedical Science
  • BSc Clinical Pharmacology 
  • BSc Diagnostic Radiography
  • BSc Occupational Therapy
  • BSc Physiotherapy
  • BSc Radiotherapy and Oncology 
Please note that we do not accept any foundation programmes for entry to MBBS Medicine. 

Foundation Centre

Approved Pathways


UFP Life Sciences


UFP Life Sciences;

ONCAMPUS Foundation programmes from other foundation centres may be considered on case-by-case basis, and provided subject-specific requirements are met.

David Game College

Foundation Centre

Approved Pathways

All David Game Centres 

UFP Science & Pharmacy or

UFP Medicine (including subjects specified on course page)


CATS Global Schools

Foundation Centre

Approved Pathways

All CATS Global Schools centres 

UFP (including subjects specified on course page)



Foundation Centre

Approved Pathways

Kaplan International Pathways 

Kaplan University Foundation Certificate -Science and Engineering pathway (including subjects specified on course page)

Kaplan University Foundation Certificate - Science and Engineering pathway is accepted from all UK Kaplan Foundation centres where it is offered.  Other Kaplan foundation pathways from other UK centres may be considered on case-by-case basis, and provided subject-specific requirements are met.

Kings Education

Foundation Centre

Approved Pathways

All Kings Education centres 

Advanced Level Foundation Programme (including subjects specified on course page)



Foundation Centre

Approved Pathways

NCUK (All centres)

NCUK International Foundation Year (including subjects specified on course page)

Other foundation Programmes

The following International Foundation programmes from other foundation providers may be accepted on a case-by-case basis, and provided subject-specific requirements are met:

Bell University Foundation programme; Bellerby's Foundation; Dublin International Foundation College; INTO International Foundation; King’s Education Advanced Level Foundation; Queen Mary International Foundation Year; Study Group Foundation Programmes; UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate for Science and Engineering (UPCSE); University of London International Foundation Programme 

Honours equivalency

For entry to some of our programmes it is necessary that your Bachelor degree is equivalent to a UK 'Bachelors Honours Degree' or 'Bachelor Degree' according to UK ENIC.

If you are applying for entry to the following programmes on the basis of a non-UK Bachelor degree:

  • Postgraduate degree (excluding MRes): You should have a degree which is equivalent to a UK Bachelor degree, according to UK ENIC.
  • Postgraduate degree - MRes only: You should have a degree which is equivalent to a UK Bachelor Honours degree, according to UK ENIC. If your degree is below UK Honours level, you will be required to demonstrate relevant research or work experience.
  • Bachelor degree: Your qualification should be equivalent to a UK Bachelor degree, according to UK ENIC

If you are unsure whether your qualification is equivalent to UK Honours equivalent, or have any other questions about Honours equivalency, please contact

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