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The University launched a new Academic Appeal Procedure in August 2023. Please read this carefully before submitting an appeal.

What is an academic appeal?

An academic appeal is a formal request by a student or students for the review of a decision affecting them that has been made by an academic body charged with making decisions on student progress, assessment and awards.

The timeframe for making an academic appeal is 10 working days from being notified of the decison.

What you can appeal

  • academic progression decision
  • agreed credits or marks, or degree classification 
  • penalty for failing to make progress including programme termination 
  • outcome of an extenuating circumstances (ECs) application.

What you cannot appeal

  • against  academic judgement (please refer to section 7.1 of the Appeals Procedure to understand what academic judgement means)
  • a matter that has already been the subject of an academic appeal  that is in progress or has been decided;
  • a matter subject to legal proceedings in a court or tribunal unless those proceedings have been put on hold;
  • marks or grades in question are provisional and have not yet been ratified by a Board of Examiners. Dates of Board of Examiners Meetings can be found in the examination calendar and details on appealing provisional results are available in section 14 of the General Regulations
  • an academic decision using evidence that is dishonest or has been acquired dishonestly.
  • an academic decision if the evidence put forward to support the appeal can be shown to be malicious or represent a way of harassing the University by consuming the time and resources of its staff or a way of harassing members of staff and other students.
  • decisions made in relation to academic misconduct, which has a separate appeal process.  Further information on the Academic Integrity Procedure.

Grounds for making an appeal

The University considers that an academic appeal may be made when there is independent evidence to show that:

Staff/bodies have failed to follow regulations/procedures or have failed to follow them with due care

Staff/bodies have shown bias or prejudice towards the student in the way they have made the relevant academic decision

The student's performance was affected by Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) that they could not report at the time for valid reasons

The student’s performance was affected by ECs that were reported at the time and relevant new evidence has since become available which has not been considered in making the relevant academic decision.

How to apply

Complete the Academic Appeal Application form, which will be submitted to the Student Conduct and Compliance Team, within 10 working days of notification of the result/mark/ruling.

Support and advice

The President of Welfare and the Education and Walfare Support Officer are able to meet with students to guide them through the operation of the student procedures and provide general advice and support.

Students and staff with Equality and Inclusion queries should contact Sanjana Panchagnula (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Adviser).

All St George’s students can access an external online support service called Togetherall. This service is available 24/7 and is completely anonymous. They also offer a number of self-guided support courses. More information about Togetherall can be found on the University’s Togetherall webpage and in the following resources:

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