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St George's and City have merged. Find out more.


Anthony Finkelstein sat on yellow chair with hands clasped together resting on his kneesProfessor Sir Anthony Finkelstein
Executive Assistant: Ann Singer

Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein is the President of City St George's.

Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein joined City, University of London as the University’s President in June 2021.

Prior to that he had served as the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security since 2015. During that time, Anthony’s research was based at The Alan Turing Institute and he held a Chair in Software Systems Engineering at University College London (UCL). Prior to this, he was Dean of the UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Head of UCL Computer Science. His scientific work is in the broad area of systems engineering.

Anthony has strong personal links to City; he was a Professor and the Head of Computer Science at City between 1994 and 1997, prior to his appointment at University College London. In 2018, Anthony was awarded an honorary degree by City for his outstanding contribution to science.

He is a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London, the University of South Australia and at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), an elected Member of Academia Europaea (MAE) and a Fellow of the City and Guilds of London Institute (FCGI).

Learn about the structure of City St George's, University of London.

St George's School of Health and Medical Sciences

The following roles and structure applies to the newly formed St George's School of Health and Medical Sciences (working title).

Executive Dean

Rachel Allen sat with her hands together resting on table in front of her

Professor Rachel Allen
Executive Assistant: Xinyue Zhao

Professor Rachel Allen is the Executive Dean of St George's School of Health and Medical Sciences (working title).

The School operates jointly alongside City's School of Health & Psychological Sciences. 

Rachel was previously the Director of the Institute of Medical, Biomedical and Allied Health Education at St George's.  She joined St George’s in 2007 to specialise in the field of innate immune receptors and their ability to amplify or inhibit immune activity in disease. Prior to this, she obtained her D.Phil in Immunology from the University of Oxford, studying HLA B27 – a protein which predisposes some people to inflammatory arthritis. This work led to a post-doctoral position in Cambridge University, where she was subsequently awarded a Beit Memorial Fellowship to study the recognition of HLA B27 by innate immune receptors. 

Across her time at St George’s, her academic portfolio has included research in innate immunity, undergraduate course Year leadership, postgraduate education and research capacity building. 

Professor Allen is a member of the MS Society Research Strategy Committee and is an Associate Director and Capacity Building Lead for the NIHR South London Applied Research Collaboration.

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Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

A portrait of Jane Saffell.Professor Jane Saffell
Executive Assistant: Xinyue Zhao
Phone: 0208 725 5336.

Jane Saffell is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) at St George’s, University of London and Professor of Neurobiology and Bioscience Education. She leads a broad education portfolio with responsibility for strategic development across teaching and learning, student experience, portfolio growth, access & participation and student outcomes.

 At City St George’s, University of London, Jane is a member of the Senior Leadership Team as Vice-President of St George’s. Externally, she is part of the OfS TRAC Development Group, was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by Advance HE in 2015 and was for many years a member of BBSRC Grant Committee D (Molecules, Cells and Industrial Biotechnology).

Jane joined St George’s in 2016 after 16 years as an academic at Imperial College London in the Faculties of both Natural Sciences and Medicine.  Her career spans research into the role of adhesive interactions in nervous system regeneration, teaching innovation, and senior leadership of education.  She was Deputy Head of the Division of Brain Sciences and led the Department of Medicine to Bronze and then Silver Athena awards.

PhD and postdoctoral research at Guy’s Hospital (King’s College London) followed a BSc in Biochemistry at Imperial. Jane grew up in Kenya and was the first person in her family to go to university. On arriving in the UK she worked in administration at the Royal Society of Arts for three years to gain home student status and is now a Fellow.

Jane has received teaching awards and medals for innovative approaches that give students insight into knowledge-creation and the socio-politics, creativity and culture of research.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)

Jon-Friedland-230x345Professor Jon Friedland
Executive Officer: Cheryl Watson
Phone: 0208 725 4942.

Jonathan Friedland works to develop and enhance the university strategy of pursuing excellent and ambitious research, both responding to major and emerging healthcare challenges and delivering significant societal impact. In addition, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor helps foster a culture of enterprise involving diverse partners, including St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Chief Operating Officers
Chief Operating Officer

Anna Dulic-SillsDr Anna Dulic-Sills

As Chief Operating Officer (Interim), Anna is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and has responsibility for the vast majority of St George’s Professional and Technical Services. Anna supports the Vice-Chancellor in determining the institutional strategy, ensures that the University is well-organised and operates as efficiently as possible, mitigating risks and seizing opportunities to drive progress. She is also the executive lead across a number of areas of the University, including strategic planning and risk, audit and efficiency.

Anna's professional journey began as a research scientist specialising in DNA repair, where she earned her PhD under the guidance of Nobel Laureate Tomas Lindahl. Anna went on to do clinical science/postdoctoral work at Bats and the London NHS Trust. She later changed her career path into research management and administration, and held a number of leadership roles at Queen Mary, University of London. Anna joined St George’s as a Director of Research Operations in 2019.

Anna is a member of the Association of Heads of University Administration and serves as a panel member for Advance HE Athena Swan initiative. In addition to her contributions within the academic sphere, she was also involved in a local primary school as an elected member of the Board of Governors, serving as a Vice-Chair of the Facilities and Curriculum Committees; and a co-director of a Community Interest Company.

Deputy Chief Operating Officer

Naz HussainMr Naz Hussain

As Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Naz supports the strategic leadership and direction in delegated areas.

He takes the lead in, and oversee all relevant tasks and initiatives for Communications and Engagement, Education Operations, Marketing, Student Recruitment and Admissions and Registry.

Naz started his career in marketing and communications, working in a variety of roles in local government and higher education. He was Head of Marketing at London South Bank University, before joining St George’s as Associate Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment, then becoming Director of Marketing, Student Recruitment, and Admissions.

Senior Management Team

The senior management team consists of the below deans, directors of institutes and directors of professional services in addition to the above senior leadership team.

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Directors of Professional Services
Director of Finance
A photo of Susan McPheat.Miss Susan McPheat
 Phone: 0208 725 0395.




Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development
Kevin BrowneMr Kevin Browne




Director of Planning

A photo of Julie LeemingDr Julie Leeming
Phone: 0208 725 3642



Academic Registrar

A photo of Jenny LawsMs Jenny Laws




Director of Estates and Facilities (Acting)

Liz Gilby

Director of Marketing, Student Recruitment and Admissions

SdeGSarah de Gatacre




Director of Communications and Engagement

Rachel WheeleyMs Rachel Wheeley




Director of Governance, Legal and Assurance Services

Charlotte Martin, Director of Governance, Legal and Assurance Services

Charlotte Martin
Phone:  0208 725 0585.



Director of Information Services

A portrait of Rob Churm.Mr Rob Churm
Phone: 0208 266 6078



Director of Joint Research and Enterprise Services

A photo of Mark CranmerMr Mark Cranmer



Director of Research Operations

Ariel PoliandriDr Ariel Poliandri
Divisional Administrator: Jenay Thomas



Soosan AtkinsInterim Director of Quality and Partnerships

Soosan Atkins



Director of Education Operations and Programme Management

Noreen KassemMs Noreen Kassem





Directors of Institutes
Director of the Institute of Infection and Immunity

paulheathProfessor Paul T. Heath



Director of the Institute of Medical, Biomedical and Allied Health Education


Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Research

 1010-DrBehr-Quarterly - smallerProfessor Elijah Behr




Director of the Institute of Neurosciences and Cell Biology Research

franklynhoweProfessor Franklyn Howe







 Director of the Institute of Population Health Research



Director of Cross Cutting Research Themes

Jodi-Lindsay-230x345Professor Jodi Lindsay




Director of Digital Education

Baba Sheba

Dr Baba Sheba




Dean for Student Conduct and Compliance



Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Vanessa-Ho-230x345Dr Vanessa Ho




Dean for Student Welfare and Support

Dr Jane Cronin-DavisDr Jane Cronin-Davies





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