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Published: 30 July 2021

Friday 30th July 2021 is International Day of Friendship. It is a day to promote friendship and a shared spirit of human solidarity.

We love to hear from our alumni about how they have managed to keep in touch over the years despite varying schedules, commitments and the distance between them.

The MBBS Class of 1987

The MBBS Class of 1987 is a group of St George’s alumni whose members continue to stay in touch after almost 30 years since they studied together at St George’s.

The group tries to hold regular get-togethers as a chance to catch up, but they were not able to meet face-to-face last year due to ongoing restrictions due to Covid-19.

Keeping touch during a pandemic

However, despite barriers to an in-person event the group managed to meet remotely, holding their first ever online pre-Halloween quiz, ‘Medicine, Monsters and Magik' on Zoom last October.

The quiz was the inspiration of Class of 1987 alumnus Dr Dushyant Mital, and was hosted by former school secretary and fellow classmate Dr Khalid Khan.

The quiz included several video cameos - including Australia-based alumni Jim and Debbie McAlister and Julian Wilcox.

Speaking about how the group manages to stay connected, Dr Mital explains:

"The creation of a Whatsapp group of over 60 Class of 1987 alumni, and being connected on social media, has enabled very good communications between friends and peers. Topics are wide ranging - from Covid-19, the football, jokes, personal issues and conversations around organising social get togethers. We hope to meet again in-person at some point now that restrictions are beginning to lift!”

Share your stories of friendships

Do you have a story about the friendships you developed at St George's, and how you’ve stayed connected with your classmates since?

If so, please get in touch at

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