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Published: 23 March 2021

St George’s second ever Careers Week took place during the first week of March.

The theme this year was career inspiration in challenging times. The event took place remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Throughout the week students and recent graduates had the opportunity to watch question and answer sessions from St George’s alumni, who spoke about their career journeys and the lessons they have learnt along the way.

Topics ranged from work-life balance and managing stress, to changing career paths and moving into management, to non-traditional routes into healthcare.

If you missed them, you can catch up on our alumni sessions on the St George’s, University of London YouTube channel. You can also read more careers advice from fellow alumni here.

The Careers Service ran sessions focused on helping students to feel empowered in these uncertain times, including ‘Postgraduate Study – advice on taking your studies beyond your first degree’ and ‘Job hunting in a pandemic’.

In addition to this, there was a full programme of careers talks from academics and alumni across a range of disciplines and courses. The speakers shared their own career journeys and gave advice on how to successfully navigate your career.

Associate Dean for Student Outcomes, Julie Hendry, said of Careers Week:

“It was great to be able to host our second Careers Week and showcase to our students and recent graduates the career paths open to them as St George’s graduates. Despite the challenges that the pandemic has brought, the team have worked exceptionally hard to deliver Careers Week and I’m proud of the content that is available to the students and alumni at the start of their own career paths.

"This incredible repository of resources, available on our website, will be useful to all students and potential applicants looking to study with us. Many thanks to everyone who gave up their time to make the week the success that it was, in particular I’d like to thank our alumni who volunteered to deliver talks, they were all inspirational.”

Alumni of St George’s are entitled to 2 years of free career support from the Careers Group, which includes:

  • support with planning your next steps
  • building and using your network
  • making applications
  • impressing at an interview.

Visit our alumni pages to find out more about the benefits available to you, or get in touch if you have any questions about any of our alumni benefits.

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