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The ENABLE London study began recruitment, and data collection in 2013. In December 2015, we succeeded in reaching our target of recruiting 1500 individuals from 1000 households. This has provided us with a wealth of data, which has recently been published as a scientific paper in the BMJ Open (see Publications).

The second phase of the study (following-up everyone we visited two years after the initial visit) finished in December 2017. We are delighted to report that we succeeded in following-up 71% of households who were seen at baseline, and have good quality activity data, maximising our ability to examine whether there has been any change in activity overtime.

While overall findings from the study have been published and will continue to be published, we reassure you that all the information we collect from both the questionnaires and the monitors, are kept strictly confidential. Results presented will not identify any individuals.

We are very grateful to all the participants who supported this very important study. We will send a final newsletter to all our participants this year. If you have moved, please get in touch with us to let us know.

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