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Institute directors

Institute management

  • Jennifer Lock, Institute Manager
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Principal investigators

Dr Rachel Allen, Reader in Immunology of Infection

Professor Debbie Baines, Professor of Molecular Physiology

Professor Emma Baker, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology

Dr Aisleen Bennett,  Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Infectious Disease

Dr Tihana Bicanic, Reader in Infectious Diseases

Dr Mark Bodman-Smith, Senior Lecturer in Immunology

Professor Tim Bull, Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology

Professor Philip Butcher, Professor of Molecular Medical Microbiology

Dr Irina Chis Ster, Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics

Dr Deborah Chong, Lecturer in Infection & Immunity

Professor Anthony Coates, Professor of Medical Microbiology

Professor Philip Cooper, Professor of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

Dr Catherine Cosgrove, Honorary Senior Lecturer/Consultant

Professor Martin Cranage, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Vaccinology

Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology

Dr Pascal Drake, Lecturer in Molecular Immunology

Professor Jonathan Friedland, Deputy Principal (Research and Enterprise)

Dr Dipender Gill, Clinical Lecturer in Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Professor Steve Goodbourn, Professor of Biomolecular Science

Professor George Griffin, Emeritus Professor of Infectious Diseases and Medicine

Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, Lecturer in Global Health (non clinical)

Dr Sally Hargreaves, Senior Lecturer in Global Health

Professor Tom Harrison, Professor of Infectious Diseases 

Professor Paul Heath, Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Dr Kai Hilpert, Reader in Infection and Immunity

Dr Jason Hinds, Reader in Translational Pathogen Genomics 

Dr Qinxue Hu, Senior Lecturer in Viral Immunology

Dr Yanmin Hu, Senior Lecturer in Microbiology

Professor Amina Jindani, Professor of Tuberculosis Therapeutics

Professor Paul Jones, Emeritus Professor of Respiratory Medicine

Professor Sanjeev Krishna, Professor of Molecular Parasitology and Medicine

Professor Shamez Ladhani, Professor of Paediatrics Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology

Dr Ken Laing, Reader in Genomics and Bioinformatics

Professor Kirsty Le Doare, Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunity

Professor Jodi Lindsay, Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis

Dr Wai Liu, Senior Research Fellow

Dr Angela Loyse, Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases

Professor Julian Ma, Professor of Molecular Immunology

Dr Sile Molloy, Lecturer in Epidemiology

Professor Derek Macallan, Professor of Infectious Diseases 

Dr Tim Planche, Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology

Professor Rajko Reljic, Professor in Immunology

Professor Clive Robinson, Professor of Respiratory Cell Sciences

Professor Tariq Sadiq, Professor of Molecular

Professor Mike Sharland, Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Dr Arjuna Singanayagam, Senior Lecturer in Hepatology

Professor Nidhi Sofat, Professor of Rheumatology

Dr Henry Staines, Senior Lecturer in Global Health

Dr Blair Strang, Lecturer in Virology

Dr Audrey Teh, Lecturer in Molecular Immunology

Dr Rachel Wake, Clinical Lecturer

Dr Mark Wansbrough-Jones, Honorary Senior Lecturer Principal Investigator

Dr Adam Witney, Reader in Bioinformatics

Full list of staff in Infection and Immunity

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