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St George’s, University of London (SGUL) takes pride in the diversity that exists in both its students and staff. We want to celebrate and harness this diversity so that everyone can fulfil their true potential. Everyone is encouraged to make a contribution and is valued as a member of our community.

Our Commitment

We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and continuously work towards ensuring that it is placed at the heart of everything that we do. This statement applies to all who work, study or volunteer with St George’s.

St George’s Values

St George’s Strategic Plan 2017-22 sets out our values that define what makes St George’s a distinctive community, guiding our behaviours and shaping our culture.

In all our interactions, we believe in acting with integrity.

Our values guide the way in which we aim to operate.


Working effectively and with dedication to perform to the highest standards. Being responsible and accountable for our choices and decisions.


Listening, treating each other fairly and honestly. Learning from experience and reflecting on our choices and decisions.


Shaping an inclusive environment in which diversity is valued. Communicating openly and transparently.


Participating in life at St George’s and, through education and research, empowering our people to contribute to, influence and improve society and communities. Influencing effectively across the sectors in which we operate.

"The diversity of the people within our community at St George’s is one of our strengths. The university benefits hugely from the range of perspectives that come from the different backgrounds, opinions and beliefs of our Staff and Students and, in recognising that, we want to put our approach to diversity and inclusion firmly at our core. It is not an optional extra." Professor Jenny Higham (Principal)

Equality Act

Our stance on equality is underpinned by the Equality Act (2010) and more specifically the Public Sector Equality Duty (section 149 of the Equality Act).

The Equality Act protects the rights of individuals with certain protected characteristics and sets out which behaviours are unlawful. Under this Act, the following characteristics are protected by law:

age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) places a statutory obligation on public sector organisations to pay ‘due regard’ to equality in all of their policies, practices and procedures. This means public bodies must:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimization and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

St George’s will not tolerate any type of discrimination, victimisation or harassment and has put in place initiatives to help it meet its commitment under the PSED.

Everyone who works or studies at St George’s will be encouraged to be part of our community and differences will be respected and celebrated.


St George’s has a Diversity & Inclusion steering Group co-chaired by the Deputy Principal of Institutional Affairs and the Director of HR and consists of senior colleagues from across the university, including the Principal. This steering group reports to the Council which has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that St George’s operates within the legal framework of the Equality Act and monitors the implementation of our equality statement. A separate Diversity & Inclusion Working Group leads on the implementation of our diversity and inclusion vision and feeds directly into the diversity & inclusion Steering group. This group consists of operational leads and interested parties from across the university ensuring that equality, diversity and inclusion is championed across all University functions.


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