Why join the course?
The overarching aim of the Practical Cancer Genomics for Oncologists course is to provide delegates with the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate genomic data into routine care of cancer patients in their Oncology Clinic. Through bespoke, interactive teaching you will gain a greater understanding of the clinically relevant information you can obtain from the two genomes of cancer patients: the somatic (tumour) genome and the germline (constitutional) genome. By the end of the course, you should understand the type of genomic tests available for cancer patients, which test is appropriate in different clinical scenarios, how to explain genetic tests to patients and how to interpret the results to make a clinical management plan. Our hope is your confidence following the course will enable you to act as "Genomics Champions" to disseminate knowledge and good practice to your local teams.
This course is specifically aimed at International Consultants who practice in countries with a lack of infrastructure of Clinical Cancer Genetics services. Tailored courses may be available, please contact the office for more information.
Course description
To develop the skills and knowledge to obtain and assimilate both somatic and germline genomic data alongside clinical, family and pathological information to make a clinical management plan for cancer patients and their relatives.
- To define cancer as a genomic disease.
- To compare and contrast somatic (tumour-only) and germline (constitutional) pathogenic variation and different methodologies and approaches to detect this variation in clinical practice.
- To critically analyse the clinical relevance of the cancer genome: driver and passenger variation, tumour mutational burden and mutational signature.
- To critically analyse the differing genetic architecture of inherited cancer susceptibility across tumour types and the clinical relevance of germline variation.
- To assess eligibility for genetic testing, consent a patient for a genetic test and formulate a clinical management plan based on genetic test results.
- To define the principles of cascade screening to enable extended management to family members following appropriate counselling.
You will be provided a certificate of attendance.