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What we offer 

IRF staff support the provision of a histology suite that allows the histological and immunohistological analysis of cells and tissues. The facility currently provides the following:   

Technique Equipment 

Tissue Sectioning - Cryostat (frozen)

Leica CM1900 + Thermo Scientific HM525NX

Tissue Sectioning - Paraffin Wax

Leica RM2255 - Rotary Microtome 

Tissue Embedding – Wax 

Leica  Histocore Arcadia H Embedding Station 

Leica  Histocore Arcadia C Cold Plate 

Leica EGF Heatable Forceps 

Leica Surgipath TrimEase Block Trimmer 

Tissue Embedding - Cryostat

Hand processing

APES coated slides 

 Hand processing

Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

Hand processing

Histology Stain - Hematoxylin and Eosin

Hand processing

Histology Stain - Lillie's Trichrome

Hand processing


Upon request technical staff can undertake work in the area of histology and immunohistochemistry on behalf of the facility users. Contact the facility for further information and pricing. 


Section specifications 

If you are providing sections already mounted for histology or immunohistochemistry work they must be of an appropriate standard please read here for further information (Word).

Tissue specification 

Discuss with Histology section technician. Further information upon enquiry.


Facility users can access the laboratories and perform techniques using our resources. The price is lower cost than service provision by facility staff. Contact the facility for further information and pricing. 

Users can make use of our fully equipped laboratory and reagents for performing histology and immunohistochemistry staining. We can provide some primary antibodies upon request and at a cost. Secondary antibodies and immunohistochemistry Haematoxylin counterstain are inclusive in the price. 



All users will need to be trained by facility staff prior to use of the histology area. Training is free and can be arranged with facility staff upon request. Competent users (as designated by facility technicians) will require area induction and sign off only. 


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