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A new study pod area in the Library (Hunter Wing, Level 1) has been created for the purpose of group study and individual online learning.

There are six pods: two for group study (3-4 people) and four for individual online learning. All pods are sound-proofed and contain power, independent lighting, and ventilation.

The pods are available for use 24/7 and can be booked via the Library Helpdesk (8am-6pm, Monday to Friday) for a maximum of two hours per day.

Towards the end of the year an online, self-service booking platform will be introduced for pod bookings. Outside of bookable hours, the pods are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

The project to repurpose existing library office space into a space for group work and online learning was jointly led by Information Services and Estates as part of the Office for Students’ capital funding award.

Take a look at your new study pods


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